Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That Facebook Thing

At the invitation of my Peruana amiga, Eli, I joined Facebook about a year ago. I hooked up at that time with one other 'friend' we had in common, Natasha (Natou) in France.

But it never clicked. My Facebook page just sat there. Every now and again, I'd get an email from some unknown individual wanting to 'friend' me. Into the trash they went. That was the extent of my Facebook involvement.

Until recently.

Teresa and then Dave, in rapid succession, added me as friends. And then, two days before our mutual birthday, my (hmmm... 15 year old?) niece, Courtney added me.

Now Courtney, due in part to her age, and then also to her very sociable nature, is part of a much larger Facebook social network containing, in addition to her school chums and the like, many of our family members as well.

So I've been quickly drawn up into the chatter of Facebook, now with nieces and nephews, friends here at home and abroad. It's fun! I got chatted up by another niece, Marcella, last night before we both had to head off toward homework.

So what's all the hubub about? A waste of time? Perhaps. But I'm connecting more with family and friends and even though in a largely and seemingly superficial way, still I get the feeling that there's something there, something useful. So for now, I'm going with it, I'll see where it leads.

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